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时间:2020-04-26 15:54来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
单选题 1(4分) : What is the full name of Patrick Swayze's character? A: Sam Wilson B: Sam Watts C: Karl Wheat D: Sam Wheat 2(4分) : What was Oda Mae's work? A: a doctor B: a lawyer C: a huckster D: a book seller 3(4分) : Why doesn't Mr.
1(4分) : What is the full name of Patrick Swayze's character?
A: Sam Wilson
B: Sam Watts
C: Karl Wheat
D: Sam Wheat

2(4分) : What was Oda Mae's work?
A: a doctor
B: a lawyer
C: a huckster
D: a book seller

3(4分) : Why doesn't Mr. Rochester take off the red cloak after he reveals to Jane that he was the gypsy?
A: he forgot
B: it is part of his regular outfit
C: the tie is in a knot
D: it was cold in the room

4(4分) : Why did they call Red " Red"?
A: Because he cames from Red
B: Because it is his nickname
C: Because his skin is red, he is an Irish
D: Because the cigar he smokes is Red.

5(4分) : What is Scarlett and Melanie' relation?
A: sister-in-law
B: cousin
C: friends
D: sister

6(4分) : There is a line in the film, " All is not ( ) that glitters.
A: medal
B: gold
C: sun
D: light

7(4分) : what did Andy gain from warden for his co-workers when they worked on the roof?
A: a day rest
B: beer
C: cigarette
D: alcohol

8(4分) : What did Maria do in Von Trapp's family?
A: servant
B: governess
C: guard
D: babysitter

9(4分) : In order to have an interview, how much did Ike pay?
A: $200
B: $650
C: $750
D: $1000

10(4分) : How did Maggie run away from Ike and her wedding?
A: by taxi
B: by horse
C: by bike
D: by truck

11(4分) : What did Maggie design?
A: lamp
B: clock
C: picture
D: window

12(4分) : What is the theme of Ike's column?
A: women
B: sport
C: fashion
D: news

13(4分) : How many years did Jane stay at Lowood?
A: 5
B: 10
C: 15
D: 20

14(4分) : What magic did Oda have?
A: she could see the dead man
B: she could hear the dead man
C: She could touch the dead man
D: she could hit the dead man

15(4分) : How did Mr Rochester's wife die?
A: She stabbed herself
B: In a fire
C: Jumped off the roof
D: Mr Rochester killed her

16(4分) : Where did the princess and Joe meet for the first time?
A: on a bench in the street
B: at a shop
C: on the bus
D: at a conference

17(4分) : Of the children, who plays guitar?
A: Marta
B: Brigitta
C: Liesl
D: Friedrich

1(4分) : Sam's death is an accident.
A: 对
B: 错

2(4分) : Bob and Maggie got married at last.
A: 对
B: 错

3(4分) : Jane's friends in school---Helen dies of consumption.
A: 对
B: 错

4(4分) : Joe and the princess loved each other.
A: 对
B: 错

5(4分) : The school's headmaster is a cruel and hypercritical man
A: 对
B: 错

6(4分) : Joe had an interview with the princess at 11:45 and he went there on time.
A: 对
B: 错

7(4分) : It was Andy who killed his wife.
A: 对
B: 错

8(4分) : Andy got some fees from the state for the library in prinson.
A: 对
B: 错
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